As we all are experiencing massive changes in the world today, it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to take individual responsibility for our actions. Each and every one of us is powerful in our own beliefs and even more powerful when we defend others ideas of freedom, even when we don’t agree, this is key to how we protect our own Rights as well.

Denver Occupy 2011

Recently, the Supreme Court in the uSA has declared their opinions about the climate, woman’s health, guns, and more. What is apparent is that nothing has been taken away from us, in fact, many Rights have been reinforced and defended. Mr. Hemp has participated in peaceful protests, at least the protestors were peaceful while the police used excessive force to intimidate us, against the Government’s illegal control over individual beliefs and he has taken action to defend others Rights. This is a constant movement of power and takes our consistent participation. However, Mr. Hemp also has taken action with protecting Human Rights by learning how to use the existing systems.

The extremes and excessive costs to licensing Cannabis businesses is identical to the failed attempt of local governments who were using excessive gun licensing fees and unconstitutional regulatory systems to prevent the average person from participating in a protected Human Right is only one example of many. The government has no power to control what you can or can’t put into your body. This is a point of major conflict today in regards to the government attempting to usurp your Rights by trying to force you to take a medical procedure that you may not agree with.

Our form of government, is a Representative Republic where each and everyone of us has the power to protect and defend our individual beliefs. The Constitution of the uSA, the one prior to 1871, has a framework to define how we can protect ourselves. The Tenth Amendment states very clearly that WE all have these Rights.

To those that feel like they have had something taken away, you have every opportunity to choose to use your energy and knowledge to protest and to also use the process that we have in place. Mr. Hemp has found that there is more power in petitioning the government directly with solutions for his grievances. Remember that the Magna Carta in the year 1215 is the foundation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the uSA. It frames the idea that “free persons” have Rights and that a president could be rejected by the people if he failed to respect those rights. This represents an early form of petition in protest against grievances.

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the uSA
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

There are no “required forms” for a petition. A petition can take many forms, and can be presented at the national, state, and local levels.

To begin the process of understanding an example of how to petition the government, a good exercise would be to choose a Supreme Court case about a petition and discuss it with those around you, your friends, family, and community.

Traditional American food, material and medicinal use of Cannabis Sativa L.

Late in 2011, as a direct result in participating in the Occupy protest which was a place to protest our individual issues, Mr. Hemp worked with Representative Wes McKinley in Colorado to pass the first legislation in the support of Hemp/Cannabis. Unfortunately, the intent of the legislation was destroyed in future unconstitutional legislation and regulations to this day, by big money corporate manipulation and enemies of The People, such as large pharmaceutical, food industry,

Here are some supportive websites to read for more information.

Materials and readings

Resource: Magna Carta –

Resource: Petition of Right –

Resource: Declaration of Independence – Bill of Rights Institute

Resource: John Quincy Adams’s antislavery petitions – Newseum

Resource: Universal-suffrage petitions – National Archives

Reading: Freedom of Assembly and Petition – Constitution Center

Reading: “The Right to Petition relates to all First Amendment freedoms” – Way back Machine Archive

Resource: Freedom of petition Supreme Court cases – Bill of Rights Institute

Resource: Tenth Amendment – Bill of Rights Institute